
Hydra WriteUp TryHackMe

This room is very short compared to others and very straightforward. It’s part of the Comptia Pentest+ path. Hydra is a pentest tool for cracking paswords with brute force. The first task of the room is about what is that tool for and how to install it. As it says, Hydra bruteforces authentication in SSH, Web Application Forms, FTP and SNMP. Also there’s a long list of protocols Hydra has the ability to crack. It’s an essential tool for the pentester.

Hydra is preinstalled in Kali Linux, so I could execute it from a Kali Docker container on my Mac machine.

On the second task there are few examples of the usage of this tool and an explanation of what the parameters mean. It is more or less what we are going to use to get the flags. This is my walkthrough on this room.

Task 1: Hydra Introduction

Read the above and have Hydra at the ready.

Task 2: Using Hydra

I first deployed the machine and executed nmap for a quick recognisement. Nmap shows that has 2 ports open, 22 and 80. Then I type the IP in the browser and it appears a login form with an image of Hydra, the many-headed snake from the greek mythology.

  • Use Hydra to bruteforce molly’s web password. What is flag 1?

The same question gives us the username which we are going to attempt to get its password. I used the same command given before with one difference, the directory Hydra will bruteforce is /login instead of /, as when I browsed the IP it redirected me to that directory. The dictionary used waw the rockyou.txt, like always I try to crack passwords, and as you can see in the image it worked after very few attempts.

hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V

Hydra output

Then I logged in with that credentials and got the flag 1.


  • Use Hydra to bruteforce molly’s SSH password. What is flag 2?

Port 22 is also open so knowing the user molly we can try to crack the password and ssh into the machine. The command I used this time was this:

hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 ssh

Hydra output

It didn’t take long and after cracking the password I could ssh into the machine and the flag was the content of the file flag2.txt.

ssh login

As you can see, this room is very short and fast to do, but so useful since Hydra it’s an important tool for password cracking. It also shows the importance of using strong passwords because it’s so easy to crack the most predictable ones.